African Paarl Group

Paarl African Group

Financial Solutions, Designed to Protect Your Financial Wellness

We implement and monitor financial plans and investments on behalf of our clients. Performance reports are provided every quarter, allowing you to make informed decisions on your financial future.

Financial & Estate Planning

Comprehensive financial planning, providing ease of mind before and after retirement. 

Financial Risk Management

Manage your financial risk with life, disability and dreaded disease coverage and products. 

Taxation & Accounting

Professional accounting and taxation services by a registered accountant. 

We Are Successful, If Our Clients Are Successful.

As we move through life, we are faced with financial challenges which are sometimes daunting, sometimes confusing, and often, extremely complicated. It is however the way we approach and resolve these challenges that determines our financial success.

Our goal is to create and execute a comprehensive plan for your financial success, considering all relevant factors.

What is a Financial Plan?

A financial plan is a blueprint that defines how you will achieve your financial and lifestyle objectives. A successful financial individual is someone who had a Financial Plan from day one and has assets and an income that is Passive, Unlimited, Inflation Proof, Transferrable and Global. This can be obtained by goals that are SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time frame limited.

Our Approach

The average person spends 76 800 hours to build their estate, yet very few people spend any time ensuring that their estates are not diluted by more than 30% upon death, through death taxes and costs. To add to this, ill-considered financial decisions, often leads to more than 20% losses of assets over one’s life time.

Our approach is to develop an estate, financial, retirement and investment plans for our clients to get these losses as close to zero percent as possible.

Brainstorming Interactive IdeasOn Business Transformation

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Business Planning, Strategy & Execution

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What Are Multi-Manager Funds?

Multi – Manager Funds are constructed by blending together different combinations of specialist single asset managers into one fund, based on their philosophies, strategies, processes, styles, research and personnel.  Governed by the mandates set by the fund, as the market changes the combination of appointed managers are then optimized and rebalanced using performance analysis, risk mitigation and overall exposure.

Multi – Manager Funds allow investors to achieve broader diversification across asset management strategies and styles, as well as remove the reliance on any one single manager to deliver the desired performance.

By combining various single asset managers into on fund, investors can significantly enhance their diversification without significantly sacrificing investment performance. 

What Our Clients Say About BiziCorp Service

David Richerd Doe
Team Agent
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Richerd Thomas Doe
Team Agent
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Harni Tomas Doe
Team Agent
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New Company Management Ethics Ideas!

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